Thursday, 12 March 2009

Elevenses: twitter for journalists

Standing room only at this morning's Elevenses workshop on TwitPicExcitingly, we ran our first weekly editorial development session today.

The idea is to run an event every Thursday at 11am for 3/4 hour. The topic will be different every week but it's all about helping people develop new journalistic skills.

As there are four of us involved in Elevenses we each only have to curate one a month.

Adam curated today's which was all about Twitter. Four of our most enthusiastic Twitter users talked about how they use it to find stories break stories, build relationships and build their brand.

This is a hot topic but even so we were amazed when over 50 people turned up.

To be fair, some of this may have been thanks to the publicity generated on the letters page of our corporate intranet regarding whether or not the word "curate" may be used as a verb. Perfectly cromulent in my view.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Whatever happend to Web 2.0?

It's still here, of course: flickr, Facebook, twitter etc. But I was surprised today to read something which referred to Web 2.0 and I realised I hadn't heard the term for ages. It's just normal now; it's just the web.